Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Definition Essay

Venus Power Is Finally On Earth: Definition Essay of Beauty

Throughout history, the goddess of beauty, Venus has been ruling over the Earth.
Beauty affects how we define ourselves; how we look and dress up is an expression of
identity. For example, if you don't look good in an audition for a company or a show, you
would obviously not be chosen. Even little kids in elementary school prefer a well-dressed
and good-looking teacher rather than an ugly teacher wearing his jogging pants everyday.
Moreover, almost every South Korean female has had plastic surgery to have sharper noses,
bigger eyes, and smaller faces. Even males have had plastic surgery to look like Orlando
Bloom or Brad Pitt. However, people have different styles and thoughts of what beauty is, so
it is hard to agree what is beautiful or not with everyone. Therefore, this essay will be
explaining about the details, classification, and the examples of beauty.
Beauty is a psychological value that can be figured out with intuition. People have
different backgrounds and experiences, so people do not have the same opinion about a
subject's beauty. For example, when a family sits in a living room and watches a movie on
TV, the children would think the actress is so beautiful, but the father might not agree that
she's beautiful at all. Because beauty depends on each one of us, we cannot easily define
what it is. The more you try to define, interpret, analyze, and assess, the farther you get from
the true meaning of beauty. It is because beauty is an object of perception, not an object of
acknowledgement. Overall, you cannot just determine the beauty of something or someone
theoretically because beauty is located where you would never reach without a deep
Beauty is briefly classified into two parts: visual and auditory. The two parts are
basically divided by the way you know beauty. For instance, when you see a picture of a
colorful plain filled with all the different colors of lilies and daisies or a painting of beautiful,
yellow sunflowers by Gogh, you would be experiencing the visual beauty. On the other hand,
when you are enjoying listening to Piano Concerto No. 3 by Mozart or Celine Dion's "My
Heart Will Go On", you would be experiencing an example of auditory beauty. However,
eyes and ears are not the only parts of your body that are able to see beauty. Our hearts can
feel the beauty as well; it's called beauty by heart. Most of the time, people prefer visual
beauty to other forms of beauty, but beauty that you feel with your heart is the most beautiful
thing to find and search for. From heart to heart, you can share the beauty of feelings and
thoughts, like love.
True beauty is beauty that lasts for eternity. A poet, John Keats, once said in his work
"Ode on a Grecian Urn", that '''Beauty is truth, truth beauty' -that is all ye know on earth, and
all ye need to know (Keats 282)". In this poem, Keats describes the beautiful urn and
expresses his admiration about how the old urn could be still so beautiful. In other words, he
is saying that true beauty always lasts forever like the Grecian Urn. To illustrate, a famous
singer, Michael Jackson did so many plastic surgeries to look more beautiful than his original
image. At first, after his numerous surgeries, he looked great and handsome. However, it
didn't last for a long time because it was only a fake beauty. Thus, beauty is not about
looking good in people's sight. It is about being natural and truthful because the essential self
remains beautiful forever.
Beauty is a subjective ideal. We might have pleasure or even conflicts over this one ideal. Also, there are a variety of kinds of beauty that are separated by how we identify it. However, beauty has one common resemblance; only the veritable and genuine beauty can be known and endured continuously. On the whole, beauty is so different than what we think. This means that beauty is not very far, but you have to reach it with your heart and soul. Pink roses and Julia Roberts are not the only beautiful beings in the world. Beauty is nature itself and an undecorated, viable and wholesome aspect. Therefore, you can see the beauty only when your heart and mind are beautiful.

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